
Tweetdeck desktop app windows
Tweetdeck desktop app windows

tweetdeck desktop app windows
tweetdeck desktop app windows

The muted user will still be able to fave, reply to, and retweet your Tweets you just won’t see any of that activity in your timeline. Muting a user on Twitter means their Tweets and Retweets will no longer be visible in your home timeline, and you will no longer receive push or SMS notifications from that user. In the same way you can turn on device notifications so you never miss a Tweet from your favorite users, you can now mute users you’d like to hear from less. The mute feature allows users to block out Tweets and Retweets from individual people in their timelines without actually unfollowing those users. Images from a limited test period, Twitter has officially begun rolling out mute functionality to its iOS, Android, and Web applications. – Multiphoto inprovements for large columns – Removing time from a scheduled tweet now removes that Tweet from the Scheduled column. – Retweeting a Tweet with emoji no longer scrambles Tweet contents You can now find locally trending topics for Regions and Cities, and add a column based on the trend. – Fixes issue with empty columns after computer wakes from sleep.


The updated TweetDeck for Mac is available on the Mac App Store now. In addition, the updated app fixes a few annoyances like the empty columns bug after a computer wakes from sleep as well as retweets with emoji not display properly.


You can now remove scheduled tweets from the Scheduled column by removing the time from a tweet and the other update also includes improvements for multiphoto tweets in large columns. The update also includes a number of other improvements and fixes. “ You can now find locally trending topics for Regions and Cities, and add a column based on the trend.” TweetDeck for Mac was updated via the Mac App Store to version 3.8.4 and with it comes a new feature that will show regional and city trends. The unfortunate truth? Not even the developers know. So what’s going on here? Why has it taken two years for any more news of the update? When will the new version finally be available? The developers have noted that the 5.0 update for Mac is facing big delays.

tweetdeck desktop app windows

Three days shy of a year after releasing the iPhone update, however, users were given what is currently the app’s most recent update. The Iconfactory, Twitterrific’s developers, promised that a Mac version of the updated app was in development and would include support for the new iCloud syncing feature and an all-new design. In December 2012, Twitterrific 5 was released for iOS devices. It’s currently on its fourth major version.

tweetdeck desktop app windows

To this day it remains a popular choice among users and has seen many major updates and redesigns. It was also the first app to use the word “tweet” to refer to the posts on the network, and introduced many modern staples like conversations and replies. Twitterrific has been around for quite a while now, and was the very first native Twitter application ever built for Mac. Right below Twitter for Mac you’ll find Twitterrific. You may recognize the official Twitter app along with some of the most popular and prolific third-party clients. If you open the Mac App Store right now and do a search for “twitter,” you’ll find results just like the ones in the image above.

Tweetdeck desktop app windows