R is available for installation in many Linux distribution package repositories, including the most commonly used Ubuntu and Debian operating systems. Security and maintenance of NeCTAR cloud instances are the responsibility of the user, although some support is provided by the NeCTAR Helpdesk as well as extensive documentation available for using NeCTAR. However, guidance is provided throughout if experience is limited. setting up ssh-keypairs and launching and logging into instances, etc.). There is an assumption that the user already has a basic understanding of Linux command line coding and is familiar with the NeCTAR Research Cloud (i.e. The commands are relevant for Ubuntu and Debian users and were tested on a Mac and PC, through MobaXterm virtual Linux emulator.

Beyond basic software installation and version management, information is also provided for how to import and export data to and from your cloud instance as well as guidance for how to actually run R in the cloud. This documentation provides a step-by-step guide for installing and configuring a ready-to-use R environment, and optional RStudio Server graphical user interface, within the NeCTAR Research Cloud. Installation and management of R packages.Transferring files from your remote system.Transferring files to your remote instance.

Transferring files between your local and remote systems.Using RStudio under multiple versions of R.Installing and switching between multiple versions of R.Please refer to the Nectar Applications - R-Studio article instead. IMPORTANT: R-Studio is now available in the Nectar Application Catalog.